Our Team

The first impression counts

Get to know some of your possible future colleagues and what it means for you to work at m-u-t.

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We want to be successful in an entrepreneurial, economical and personal way ...


... and therefore we communicate with each other ...

  • direct - fast and at eye level
  • reliable - in Wedel “you can count on it”
  • understandable - our statements are specific and appropriate
  • to listen - to be attentive
  • tolerant – accept different opinions, views and mistakes
  • honest - courage to be honest and respectful even with sensitive topics
  • collegial - together instead of against each other
  • and of course with fun - humour and friendliness are part of it

"Once a week I take part in a spine exercise class. This is a good balance for sitting in front of the PC. There I expose myself daily to very interesting tasks, which also give me some leeway to try myself."

Yanling Liu
Developer Clean Tech 

"I have been with m-u-t for 10 years now. With a lot of fun at work and a different motto shirt every day, time flies by."

Carsten Pein
Developer Clean Tech Transportation

"Why do I like working at m-u-t? m-u-t is a dynamic company with constantly changing requirements and challenges. Here, young colleagues are given the opportunity for promotion and further development."

Maren Kirchhoff
Head of Production and Logistics

"At my position I especially enjoy the humorous and familiar contact of the production staff. As “jumper” I am involved with basically all production areas and products. This makes my job very exciting."

Carsten Lamp
Skilled Technician Large Units

"As a salesperson, my responsibility is wide. Together with our great engineers, we develop things on a daily basis that really help our customers. So the collaboration with both colleagues and customers is a lot of fun."

Hauke Behrmann
Head of Sales Life Science