m-u-t GmbH 


Customer satisfaction is a top priority at m-u-t GmbH. That is why our quality management is organized in a customer-oriented manner and is continuously being further developed and improved. 

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ISO 9001:2015

Customer satisfaction is top priority of the m-u-t GmbH. That’s why our quality management is customer-oriented and is continuously
being developed and improved. The m-u-t GmbH has been ISO 9001 certified since 2001.
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ISO 13485:2016 

Our ISO 13485 certification in 2006 confirms our compliance with the strict requirements for the development and production of medical devices, and authorises m-u-t GmbH to develop, manufacture and distribute medical devices.
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CMMI  Maturity Level 2

In the past, as part of a project for the equipment of high speed trains, m-u-t successfully completed a Class A Scampi appraisal for CMMI v1.2 for
software, system and hardware development. This certification ensures a high standard of quality in the development and control of the process at the m-u-t GmbH.


VDE Certificate of monitored production facility

The VDE certification marks represent security. The consumer can rely on them. After a successful control of manufacturing facilities, product inspections and the regular production monitoring, the VDE Institute awards various marks.
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VdS approval for m-u-t Wedel

In 2020, VdS approved m-u-t Wedel according to VdS guidelines VdS 2344 and 2841.
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