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NIR sensors have established themselves as a valuable tool in the biogas industry in recent years. Especially when analyzing substrates that are fed into biogas plants and when analyzing digestate, NIR sensors offer a fast and accurate method for determining the chemical composition.

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Analysis of substrates is an important part of biogas production as it allows operators to optimally control the fermentation process. However, the chemical composition of substrates varies greatly and can be subject to both seasonal and regional fluctuations. A quick and accurate analysis is therefore essential to optimize the fermentation process.

A quick and accurate analysis is therefore essential to optimize the fermentation process. By using NIR sensors, farmers can quickly and accurately determine important key figures such as dry matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of the digestate. This data is for fertilization of agricultural land

is of great importance as it enables farmers to reduce their fertilizer costs and increase the efficiency of their fertilization measures.

With precise knowledge of the composition of the fermentation residues, farmers can also react specifically to certain nutrient deficiencies in their fields and thus improve the quality and quantity of their harvest. In addition, the NIR sensor technology also enables continuous monitoring of the digestate quality and can thus contribute to increasing the production efficiency and profitability of the biogas plant.

Overall, using NIR sensors to analyze digestate from biogas plants is an important technology for farmers, helping to increase the efficiency and profitability of their operations while also delivering environmental benefits. Feel free to contact us to learn more about the advantages of NIR sensor technology and how we can help you to optimize your biogas plant.

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