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Liquid Manure Application
- Accurate & Sustainable

In contrast to mineral fertilizers, farm fertilizers offer many advantages. Using them is more sustainable because all nutrients contained are part of the nutrient cycle anyway.

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But there is also a decisive disadvantage: 

The ingredients in organic fertilizers are highly variable. This is a problem for a balanced and specific fertilization according to need. The concentration of nutrients in liquid and solid manure varies considerably between different animal species, husbandry systems and feeding methods. Separation, deposition and mixing also lead to nutrient variances. Also sewage sludge and compost are subject to these fluctuations.

Need-based Fertilization with NIRS

The solution? Our NIRS technology supports farmers and contractors in fertilizing with pinpoint accuracy - sustainably and environmentally friendly. Thanks to real-time measurement, users can decide how much should be fertilized directly during the application. A guarantee for uncompromising precision in combination with reduced costs and an optimized earnings potential. . Our NIRS technology is therefore essential for successful crop production. We are also aware that comfortable use is not everything, which is why our NIRS technology supports compliance with legal requirements with regard to field and part-area-specific application and documentation - an indispensable component for successful agricultural operations.

In addition to being used in liquid manure, our m-u-t NIRS sensor is also perfect for use in sewage sludge. With this technology, elementary components can be precisely determined. Afterwards, valuable substances such as phosphorus contained in sewage sludge can be made usable again for the circular economy and pollutants can be safely extracted. 

Highest Product Quality for comfortable Use

Our m-u-t NIR speedspy onboard manure system was designed to make slurry spreading not only more convenient, but also more intelligent. With the system, ingredients such as nitrogen (N), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N), potassium (K), phosphorus (P) and dry matter (TS) can be reliably recorded - for inimitable precision in fertilization. The DLG approval 2021 “Ingredients in cattle manure, in pig manure, in mixed manure from cattle and pig manure and in liquid digestate” once again puts our product quality in the foreground. As an OEM manufacturer, we have been equipping manure technology manufacturers all over Europe with intelligent optical measuring systems - the highest production standards enable us to always achieve the best for our customers.

Your advantages at one glance:

  • Based on our calibration database, your data is especially precise
  • Mixed manure causes any problems for the measurement
  • Real-time data - no more annoying waiting for laboratory results
  • Sensors can be mounted anywhere where farm manure flows past - completely flexible

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