
Gas sensors for rail vehicles

We develop and manufacture gas sensors for monitoring workplaces, storage facilities and equipment. Our gas sensors are specifically adapted to the respective task. This gives you an optimal solution in terms of performance, space requirements and costs for your application. On this page we show you a few examples.

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CO2 carbon dioxide


Air conditioning

The passenger compartments in trains are usually designed to be pressure-tight. The air conditioning regulates the temperature, humidity and the proportion of fresh air. The CO2 content must not exceed defined limits and the O2 content must not fall below defined limits.


Dispensing systems

In bistro vehicles, beer is sometimes freshly tapped and enriched with CO2, as we know it from gastronomy. CO2 sensors monitor the room air to ensure the safety of staff and guests: In the event of a possible leak in the CO2 system, the system warns and increases the supply of fresh air.


Refrigerants in air conditioning systems

More and more "climate-damaging" refrigerants (e.g. R123a, GWP=1430) are being replaced by "climate-friendly" refrigerants. The GWP for CO2 is 1 (“Global Warming Potential”).

CxHy hydrocarbons in insulating oils

Oils in transformers are used to cool the electrical power transmitters. The gases dissolved in this oil are extracted and analyzed - similar to blood analysis in humans, these gas analyzes provide information about the condition of the transformer (DGA, Dissolved Gas Analysis).

The following gases are measured, for example:

  • H2 hydrogen
  • CO carbon monoxide
  • CO2 carbon dioxid
  • CH4 methane
  • C2H6 ethane
  • C2H4 ethene
  • C2H2 ethyne

See also duval triangle – IEC 60599

H2 hydrogen

Hydrogen is transported in high-pressure tanks and converted into electrical energy and heat in fuel cells with oxygen. Measuring the hydrogen content in the air helps to detect leaks at an early stage. The measurement in the fuel cell exhaust gas flow helps to detect possible damage to the fuel cell.


C3H8 propane

Refrigerants in air conditioning systems

Propane (R290, GWP=3) has a relatively low GWP and is a good alternative refrigerant for air conditioning.


For further questions or information, please call us at any time or send us an email.

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