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OEM solutions in 

Laboratory automation and medical technology

Are you looking for an OEM partner with decades of experience in laboratory automation and medical technology? Then you have come to the right place at m-u-t. We develop and manufacture a wide range of individual solutions for you - so efficiently that you save time and money.

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What m-u-t mark up
as OEM partner

Certified quality

All products are manufactured at the Wedel location according to our established quality system - certified according to ISO 13485 and ISO 9001. Regular audits ensure that we are continuously improving and that these guidelines are adhered to in the long term.

Fast and cost-effective

State-of-the-art quality has to be tedious and expensive to produce? Not at all! Thanks to modern methods from lean management, we can supply you worldwide particularly quickly and inexpensively.

More effectiveness in medical diagnostics

Current world events show how important the quality of optical measurement technology is - from the increasing number of nosocomial infections to the risk of pandemics. With our products you contribute to solving these challenges. Let us make medical diagnostics more effective and efficient - so that patients receive the right therapy faster.

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Robust against extreme conditions

Whether large temperature fluctuations, high mechanical requirements or contact with a wide range of chemicals, such as agents for cleaning and disinfecting medical instruments: Our highly qualified engineers develop products that impress with their above-average process speed and reliability even under extreme conditions. Please contact us about your individual customer solution.

For further questions or information, please call us at any time or send us an email.

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